You may have noticed how long it's been since the last blog post.
[insert cricket sounds here]
I've been working behind the scenes on a rebrand which was launched a month ago over social media (you can check out the social media links here, here, and here, ICYMI).
And I am SO excited to officially announce (again) that The Conflict Counselor is now White Dove Counselling and Mediation.
The decision was spontaneous, impulsive but oh, so perfectly fitting.
So, what's behind the sudden name change?
While volunteering with an international Indigenous organization that approaches child and family services that align with indigenous governance and right to self-determination, I was given a spirit/tribal name in order to ensure privacy and confidentiality of all individuals accessing services. The process for naming a new member of their organization follows traditional naming protocol (of the community in which the organization was developed) and commissions an elder and a kin to name the new member according to their personality and character. My mother introduced me to this organization and so she took part in the naming process. After discussing character and values that only a mother can speak to about her child, the name that was entrusted to me means "peace, parity and hope for the future" and loosely translates to "white dove". And just like that, White Dove Counselling and Mediation was born.
Symbolism of the dove, the sun and the colour lavender

The symbolism behind the dove varies across different cultures, but the most widely accepted meaning of the dove is peace and love. While the Conflict Counselor aimed to facilitate communication to resolve conflicts--which are skills that are never too late to learn--White Dove is committed to taking this one step further to rebuild damaged relationships, promote peace and relearn how to love and connect with your partner or loved ones with whom you are experiencing conflict.
The sun also holds different meanings across different cultures. For some (ancient Greek and Roman cultures) the sun is symbolic of a deity that promises brightness, clarity and truth. "Letting go" of what we can't control is often a theme in twelve step programs, and while there is no "road map" explaining exactly how to do that, the path forward is often "giving it to God" (as YOU understand God) reinforcing that having faith in the prospect of change facilitates hope for the future. On the other hand, the sun for many represents power, a great force that energizes and leads to prosperity. The sun in the logo therefore symbolizes "hope for the future" by lighting your path forward and creating new possibilities through shining light on the solutions and promoting clarity.
Last but not least, the colour lavender. In aromatherapy, lavender is used to invoke healing, calmness, relaxation and tranquility. Like purple, lavender can be associated with royalty and patriarchal leadership. The lavender/purple/violet chakra--or the Crown Chakra--is associated with creativity, imagination, spiritual awareness and connection, and high levels of consciousness. But lavender also symbolizes femininity and decadence. The colour lavender shares symbolism with the springtime flower of the same name, representing fertility and beginning new stages of life. Lavender symbolizes the "parity" component of White Dove Counselling and Mediation as it unites the masculine and feminine with equal power and influence, promotes love and connection, and encourages creativity in problem solving and transforming relationships.
What does it mean for you?
At White Dove Counselling and Mediation, we are committed to incorporating the values that each component symbolizes into our work with you. We focus on resolving codependent tendencies that lead to conflicts within your relationships and support you in challenging beliefs that no longer serve you in a strengths-based solution focused . We also specialize in resolving a variety of disputes. Though the model we follow is the understanding based-model, you will build capacity through increased communication and problem solving skills.
To learn more or book you appointment, click here